Complete all the below:
1. Portman Street :-
a) We discussed a combined line graph for all sub metres - one combined graph for the main metre and one graph for the fourth floor metre.
b) Can the combined graph for the main electric metre please have the following colours as presently the trend lines can't be made out properly :
+ Main metre - Liquorice.
+ Room 5 - Strawberry.
+ Room 6 - Blueberry.
+ Room 7 - Banana.
+ Room 8 - Tangerine.
+ Music studio - Bubblegum.
+ Basement - Asparagus.
+ Comms - Clover.
(I realise the two colours immediately above are largely similar but both the basement and comms room metres follow the same trend more or less).
+ 2nd floor - Maraschino.
+ 1st floor main - Nickel.
+ 1st floor air con - Sky.
+ 5th floor - Nickel.
c) Can the combined graph for the fourth floor metres please have the following colour scheme :
+ Fourth floor main metre - Liquorice.
+ Modo - Tangerine.
+ Rooftop - Strawberry.
+ Sub Club - Banana.
+ Channel 4 News - Bubblegum.
+ Residual - Turquoise.
Let's have a go at this colour scheme please ?
d) Can the graph that shows the split of costs that are recharged and not recharged :
+ Us cost please be labelled as Non recharged cost and coloured Strawberry.
+ 1st floor main - Nickel.
+ 1st floor air con - Sky.
+ Basement - Asparagus.
e) In the Power Point presentation that you sent, slide 3 is a bit congested. Can it please be taken away.
f) For clarity, the combined line graph can simply be for the costs alone.
2. Florence Street :
Just like Portman Street, the Florence Street main electricity metre now has sub metres to be added to it. Just to clarify, it's not the catering metre.
a) Therefore, can we please have a pie chart (showing the apportionment for the week in question) and a combined graph (showing a trend over the last 52 weeks).
b) The sub metres labels and colour schemes are as follows :
+ Main electric metre - Liquorice.
+ SR01 - Strawberry.
+ Martin Boyce FR03 - Blueberry.
+ Six Studio SR08 - Banana.
+ Common Guild GR02 - Tangerine.
+ Sophy Louise SR06 - Bubblegum.
+ La Fetiche FR06 - Asparagus.
+ HHVJ FR10 - Maraschino.
+ La Fetiche FR05 - Sky.
+ Lewii Quinn GR15 - Nickel.
c) Can we please introduce a gas metre to this building as well.
3. General Comments :
a) Can all the graphs please have a date on them, the same date it is updated.
b) We also talked about adding to the graph info about the supplier and supplier account number. Can we please have the above updates done first and then we can introduce this in stage 2 ?
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